
Sunday, April 25, 2010

First Day...

Okay, this is my first day of bogging, so please do not hate or misunderstand, I am an avid pc user, its just being a wife, mother, and a woman, time is not on my side. But, I have so much on my mined that I want to let go, and I think blogging is the way to go. If you are asking what made me start this, will, like I said, sometimes I just have so much going on or nothing at all that I just want to share, my thoughts or emotion on what ever is going on with me...personal or not, its me you are reading and no one else. I am very excited and hopefully this will let go of some of my stress, heheheh I doubt it.


first thing I want to say is that, I am about to turn 30 soon. Now I know you might think that it is not a big deal, and believe me I am not one of those people who are so caught up with themselves that they make a big deal out of nothing. But for me, turning 30 is really an issue, as for any of you that knows me, I am young at heart, and I love being in my twenties. Common, twenties is the age that you feel you can really let yourself go and not worry about so much because people will be a little easy, but when you are in your 30, for me it feels like you really have to kind of holding yourself back, because at this age you pretty much have responsibility that gives you no excuses. You make a decision and it will pretty much have a big impact on someone around you. So, am I scared turning 30? You bet your ass I am, its just because I love being in my twenties and I am just not ready to let that go, how ironic right?

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